Alexander Klaubert (*1991) lives and works in Berlin. Since 2022 he is Meisterschüler (postgraduate studies for artists) of Isabel Lewis at HGB – Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig. Before he studied Fine Arts at in the classes of Tina Bara, Joachim Blank and Peggy Buth. Alexander Klaubert’s works were already shown among others at ASPN, Galerie KLEMM’S, ZAK – Centre for Contemporary Art Berlin and Diskurs Festival Gießen. He works in the field of performance, sculpture, video and sound. Thematically he is located in social structures, gender constructs and identity. In 2018 Alexander Klaubert founded together with Francis Kussatz the artists collective ‚otc – Observant Think Conversation‘ (formerly ‚Law of Life – LoL‘). 2020 they founded their experimental performance duo ‚Klaubert & Kussatz‘. 2020 Alexander Klaubert founded the art platform ‚Tired Mass‘.
Alexander Klaubert